Transitions – Baby to Toddler

As you may have noticed I haven’t blogged in a good few months, this is due to a few things, and mainly it’s because I simply have had no “free” time. Once Bertie has gone to sleep I am usually cooking dinner, then spending the rest of the evening with my husband, Rich before I fall asleep, then it all starts again at 6:30am.

When Bertie was born he was very fond of the sleep, he slept 90% of the day and through the night only waking around 3am for a feed, and then swiftly went back to sleep. Give or take the odd sleepless night. This routine lasted till he was roughly 4 months, then he dropped his night feed. I thought this was amazing, I got quite a bit of sleep, and I was managing to do the things I enjoyed whilst he slept in the day. Slowly he began being awake more (in the day), this was great, we played and had loads of fun, and he had roughly 3 couple of hour naps as well as sleeping through the night.

Now, as he is coming up to 8 months old, I have noticed that the last few weeks Bertie has started to only sleep for roughly 30-60 minutes in the morning and afternoon. This is becoming increasingly annoying, as he’s grumpy and whingy, but just won’t go back to sleep. I’ve even resorted to doing his bedtime routine (minus the bath etc) and that didn’t even work. I am at a loss to daytime naps. I know it’s hard sometimes as we do go out a lot and sometimes that can affect his sleep patterns in the day. I probably shouldn’t moan as he is very good at bedtime and through the night.

When he reached 5 months, Bertie decided this was time that he started doing things on his own. He sat up all by himself, I remember exactly when he did this, we were by the river in Henley at the Regatta, we were with some of my NCT friends and their babies and were sitting on a blanket, I was holding Bertie up, as we were talking I decided to let go and see if could do it, and low and behold he did! I was so amazed, I whipped out my camera and took a few pictures.

I have found that since around the age of 4 and half/5 months that Bertie has started transitioning into a wonderful little boy. He seems so advanced for a baby with no older siblings. He got up on to all fours and started rocking at 5 and half months and crawled at 6 and half months and within a week, he was pulling himself up on the sofa, T.V unit and anything else he can grab. He walks really well whilst holding to someones hands. Started clapping a few weeks ago. He is much more confident now and crawls everywhere so fast, I think he has started or at least trying to “coast” along the sofa. I even put up the first stair gate the other day at the top of the stairs.

It seems he likes a lot of things that are “out of bounds” such as wires, mainly the phone charger, but he is happy with any wire he can find. Laptops, phones, remote controls, the virgin box/surround sound box, paper, the list is endless. I do hope this is just a phase and he will grow out of it soon.

I can’t believe how much he has grown and I am so proud of him and the wonderful little boy he is becoming.