Morrck or Sungglebundl

Which one is for you?

This is my question.  Since becoming pregnant again, I have found that over the last three years more and more baby products have been launched. Amongst them, are these two baby blankets.  Both are very similar but also very different. To me they both seem amazing and have intrigued me.  However, they both seem to have flaws and this makes it very hard for me to make my mind up on which one I should go for. 

Firstly, the Morrck was what I came across first and instantly fell in love with. Mainly because it’s a snuggly soft blanket that’s used instead of putting coats and excessive blankets over babies in the car seat, prams, etc.  Having a winter baby last time, I had Albert wrapped up constantly whilst out.  Thankfully, he was a snuggly baby and loved being warm, much like he is now!

Back to the Morrck. It has won many awards.  It can be used not only in the car seat for newborns, but in buggies and prams too – as a type of cosy toes to keep warm in all weather conditions. This is handy because you can very quickly unfold the blanket when in and out of shops, etc, rather than having to undo coats or zips on big foot muffs or cosy toes. The main reason I really like the Morrck is that it has holes for straps in car seats and prams, so it’s extra safe.  There are lots of great testimonials on their website,


Secondly, the Snugglebundl is something that popped up on my newsfeed on Facebook, and I immediately loved the concept of being able to transfer my baby from car seat to pram with ease and safety.  I have discovered with reading up on on this product that there are many things to love about it.  They say it’s easy to transfer a sleeping baby with this product due to its unique design, and it’s very helpful if you find it difficult to bend over and pick your baby up with a bad back, or if you’ve had a C-section and still recovering.  It’s also great to use to discreetly breastfeed your baby whilst out and about, which is something that I’m really hoping works for us this time around.

This product has been officially tested and certified for babies up to 30kgs (66lbs)! Not that I think anyone would use it past the age of nine months, but it’s nice to know it can withstand a decent weight. It has also been safety tested to meet with European safety directories and has been “road tested” by over 4,000 babies.  Their testimonials prove that this is a product worth having. Snugglebundl state that it’s good for babies with reflux and colic as they like to be rocked, and it’s easier to lay them still in the blanket.  I can’t personally comment on this, as Albert had very mild colic and he was fine with having Infacol before each feed.

There are also many reviews and a long list of awards they have also won on their website



The thing that concerns me about the Snugglebundl is that due to the ease of moving your baby in and out of car seats and prams, it doesn’t have the same holes for the straps in car seats.  It is unable to then wrap your baby up nice and warm whilst out and about like the Morrck does. 

However, I have watched both videos on how to use these products and they seem to be perfectly safe – both have sold thousands and are going strong. 

You can watch the videos here:

Morrck – 3 point harness –

– 5 point harness –

Snugglebundl –

I love products that are made in the UK, and both these products have had a lot of thought and love put in to them to help families. I love all things made here in ‘Ole Blighty’, and I’m a strong believer of supporting our own UK brands; start up businesses; and mums who come up with great ideas of helping to provide for their families. 

I would love to hear your personal views on which product is the best, unfortunately I cannot have both.

Victoria x