Pre – School

Tuesday was the first full day of Pre – School for Albert.  I was excited for him as he has been desperate to go back to school most of the Easter half term.

We set off, myself on foot and Albert on his balance bike and we had a lovely walk/ride through the local park.  Albert loves it so much as he’s surrounded by all the older children and he’s in awe of the “big boys” on big bikes, often going very fast so I struggle to keep up!

We finally made it to school, and as we approached the little hut in the grounds of the infant school (that I really hope he gets in to), he was saying hello and good morning to the teachers and children and showing them his lunch box, seemingly very excited to be staying for lunch for the first time.

After hanging his coat and helmet on his peg, we put his book bag, lunch box and drink in to the relevant boxes and I settled him down with an activity whilst talking quickly with his key worker about his lunch – I have rules that he has to eat certain things before eating crisps and then a sweet thing like yoghurt raisins or custard etc.  His eating has got a lot better, but we are struggling to expand his variety of different foods.

Anyway, after I had finished talking, I said goodbye and to have a good day and I would see him later. 

I then waddled home – desperate for the loo, as with all the walking the baby bounces on my bladder! Then it was time to get the shopping done whilst I was on my own and sort out a few things, have a sit down and then it was time to collect Albert before I knew it. 

I decided to drive halfway, and park at the park.  I thought that he might be quite tired after a full day, and I was right.  His teachers came out and said that he was great, but got tired in the last half an hour.  Still, I managed to keep him awake until dinner time, then Daddy came home and did bath and bed after a little puzzle and play, whilst I sorted our dinner. 

He must have had a great day as he was asking to go back after we had been at gymnastics on Wednesday. 
